Our Team
From a young age, our CEO, Miracle Nored, knew she wanted to help others. After exploring various careers, she became a certified Mental Health Coach in 2000. Providing a comprehensive set of services to help boost confidence and offer support to help individuals and professionals navigate their health and wellness challenges. We work with clients closely to achieve measurable results. Please browse our programs and events and contact us if you’re interested in working with our Trauma Recovery Coaches.

Miracle Nored, CEO
Certified Professional Trauma Recovery Coach, Certified Youth Mental Health First Aid Instructor
Certified Minister of The Gospel, YMHFA Instructor, Author, and Speaker. Work exclusively with Miracle; click here.

Ashley Cowans
BBB, Certified Trauma Recovery Coach BBB, Certified Mental Health First Aider
Family Counselor, ParkLine Corporation

Zaria Pope
BBB, Certified Trauma Recovery Coach BBB, Certified Mental Health First Aider Program Director & Youth Advocate Young Voices of Action Collective

Tracey Riase
BBB, Certified Trauma Recovery Coach BBB, Certified mental Health First Aider CNA, Mission Pointe Nursing & Rehabilitation Center

Donna Price
BBB, Certified Trauma Recovery Coach BBB, Certified Mental Health First Aider President , Detroit Action Commonwealth, Chairman, Detroit Advisors Group